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21-12-2016 à 11:33:48
Diet analysis plus 8.0 website
CrossRef 15 Yong Li, Dajiang Li, Jian Chen, Shuguang Wang. Pawlik. (2017) Adjuvant Therapy for Resected Gallbladder Cancer: Analysis of the National Cancer Data Base. CrossRef 34 N. Fields, Bradley Krasnick, Emily Winslow, Clifford Cho, Robert C. Bridgewater, A. (2015) Phase I trial of oral S-1 combined with hepatic arterial infusion of gemcitabine in unresectable biliary tract cancer. Knox. (2016) Quality of life, long-term survivors and long-term outcome from the ABC-02 study. Grenader, S. All patients were required to give written informed consent before random assignment, and the trial was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. CrossRef 145 Tadashi Odagiri, Keinosuke Ishido, Yoshikazu Toyoki, Daisuke Kudo, Norihisa Kimura, Taiichi Wakiya, Shinji Tsutsumi, Yusuke Wakasa, Ryosuke Tsuya, Kenichi Hakamada. (2016) Regional thermochemotherapy versus hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy for palliative treatment of advanced hilar cholangiocarcinoma: a retrospective controlled study. (2015) Locally Advanced Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Complete Pathologic Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Followed by Left Hepatic Trisectionectomy and Caudate Lobectomy. R. All analyses were performed with the use of Stata 10. (2015) Future directions in the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma. Ohkawa, H. C. (2015) Phase II trial of combination therapy of gemcitabine plus anti-angiogenic vaccination of elpamotide in patients with advanced or recurrent biliary tract cancer. CrossRef 171 Osamu Kainuma, Fumihiko Miura, Daisuke Furukawa, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Akihiro Cho, Keiji Sano, Toshio Nakagohri, Takehide Asano. Re-evaluation of the traditional diet-heart hypothesis: analysis of recovered data from Minnesota Coronary Experiment (1968-73). A. (2015) Phase I study of gemcitabine, cisplatin, and S-1 combination therapy for patients with untreated advanced biliary tract cancer. CrossRef 29 Xiaodong Wang, Jungang Hu, Guang Cao, Xu Zhu, Yong Cui, Xinqiang Ji, Xuan Li, Renjie Yang, Hui Chen, Haifeng Xu, Peng Liu, Jian Li, Jie Li, Chunyi Hao, Baocai Xing, Lin Shen. CrossRef 46 Kyong Joo Lee, Seung Woo Yi, Jihye Cha, Jinsil Seong, Seungmin Bang, Si Young Song, Hee Man Kim, Seung Woo Park. Gores, Lewis R. Pawlik. CrossRef 183 Steven Koprowski, Kevin Sokolowski, Selvi Kunnimalaiyaan, T. 2 months. CrossRef 27 Daniel Brungs, Morteza Aghmesheh, Katrin Sjoquist, David Goldstein. CrossRef 170 Julien Edeline, Fanny Le Du, Michel Rayar, Yan Rolland, Luc Beuzit, Karim Boudjema, Tanguy Rohou, Marianne Latournerie, Boris Campillo-Gimenez, Etienne Garin, Eveline Boucher. CrossRef 167 Kotoe Takayoshi, Kosuke Sagara, Keita Uchino, Hitoshi Kusaba, Naotaka Sakamoto, Atsushi Iguchi, Eishi Baba. Heimbach, Charles B. G. (2016) A polysaccharide from Pinellia ternata inhibits cell proliferation and metastasis in human cholangiocarcinoma cells by targeting of Cdc42 and 67kDa Laminin Receptor (LR). Discussion These data provide evidence that cisplatin plus gemcitabine is an effective treatment option for locally advanced or metastatic biliary tract cancer. CrossRef 219 Kichang Han, Heung Kyu Ko, Kyung Won Kim, Hyung Jin Won, Yong Moon Shin, Pyo Nyun Kim. CrossRef 223 Omar M Abdel-Rahman, Zeinab Elsayed, Omar M Abdel-Rahman. Andersen. (2016) Targeting c-MET by LY2801653 for treatment of cholangiocarcinoma. CrossRef 32 Boram Han, Joo Young Jung, Hyeong Su Kim, Ji Woong Cho, Kab Choong Kim, Hyun Lim, Ho Suk Kang, Hong Il Ha, Min-Jeong Kim, Jung Hoon Kim, Dae Ro Choi, Geundoo Jang, Jung Han Kim, Hunho Song, Dae Young Zang. 2015. g. (2015) Dermatomyositis as the first manifestation of gallbladder adenocarcinoma: case report and literature overview. 21,22 Critical to the future rational treatment of biliary tract cancer is a molecular map with which targeted therapies may be directed, similar to that which is evolving for the common cancers. (2016) Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Followed by Surgery for Locally Advanced Gallbladder Cancers: A New Paradigm. Cereda, M. CrossRef 186 Arturo Loaiza-Bonilla, Emma E Furth, Jennifer JD Morrissette. If patients did not have disease progression at 12 weeks, they could continue with another 12 weeks of the same regimen. Treatment Patients were randomly assigned to receive cisplatin plus gemcitabine or gemcitabine alone for up to 24 weeks. 9. (2015) Phase II study of gemcitabine and S-1 combination chemotherapy in patients with metastatic biliary tract cancer. Greten. CrossRef 182 Takashi Mizuno, Tomoki Ebata, Yukihiro Yokoyama, Tsuyoshi Igami, Gen Sugawara, Yoshine Mori, Kojiro Suzuki, Masato Nagino. Boyd, F. CrossRef 195 Angela Lamarca, Sarah Benafif, Paul Ross, John Bridgewater, Juan W. CrossRef 35 Massimo Venturini, Claudio Sallemi, Giulia Agostini, Paolo Marra, Stefano Cereda, Michele Reni, Luca Aldrighetti, Francesco De Cobelli, Alessandro Del Maschio. Hlady, K. 0 criteria, 14 was assessed by means of computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at week 12 and again at week 24 in patients who completed treatment (confirmatory scans were not required). (2016) Clinical aspects and perspectives of erlotinib in the treatment of patients with biliary tract cancer. DeMatteo, Dirk J. Lawrence. Leone, G. Randomization was conducted with the use of a minimization algorithm stratified according to the primary tumor site, extent of disease (locally advanced vs. Pawlik. Uesaka. (2016) Deregulated MicroRNAs in Biliary Tract Cancer: Functional Targets and Potential Biomarkers. CrossRef 60 Da-long Yin, Ying-jian Liang, Tong-sen Zheng, Rui-peng Song, Jia-bei Wang, Bo-shi Sun, Shang-ha Pan, Lian-dong Qu, Jia-ren Liu, Hong-chi Jiang, Lian-xin Liu. Carteni, M. 2016. Eaton, Gregory J. Elniel, M. Otherwise, adverse events were similar between the two groups. Denlinger. (2015) Recent advances for the treatment of pancreatic and biliary tract cancer after first-line treatment failure. Elmasry, R. (2016) Genomics of gallbladder cancer: the case for biomarker-driven clinical trial design. E. Staging, resectability, and outcome in 225 patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma. There were no differences in the rate of response between the gallbladder and cholangiocarcinoma subgroups (Table 4 in the Supplementary Appendix ). Y. CrossRef 128 Jee Eun Choi, Kyung Hee Kim, Seon A Kim, Jung Hwan Lee, Sang Myung Woo, Sang-Jae Park, Eun Kyung Hong, Woo Jin Lee. Biermann, C. W. Article Activity 648 articles have cited this article Article Biliary tract cancer is an uncommon cancer in developed countries. Rosen. Reinach, L. (2015) Proton beam therapy for unresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Wasan, D. Vollmer, N. (2015) Cytotoxic effects of chemokine receptor 4 inhibition by AMD3100 in biliary tract cancer cells: Potential drug synergism with gemcitabine. D. Cisplatin plus gemcitabine is an appropriate option for the treatment of these patients. (2015) Staging laparoscopy leads to rapid induction of chemotherapy for unresectable pancreatobiliary cancers. (2016) Haem oxygenase 1 expression is associated with prognosis in cholangiocarcinoma patients and with drug sensitivity in xenografted mice. Rayar, L. 2016. Jones, M. All analyses were performed on an intention-to-treat basis. Kelley, Howard Greenberg, George Tsioulias. CrossRef 44 Robert J. Successful photodynamic therapy for nonresectable cholangiocarcinoma: a randomized prospective study. Maintenance of biliary drainage is critical in patients with advanced biliary cancer because it enables systemic chemotherapy to continue without major delay for stent change and avoids potentially life-threatening biliary sepsis. (2015) Updated clinical practice guidelines for the management of biliary tract cancers: revision concepts and major revised points. (2016) Chemotherapy for advanced biliary tract carcinoma. B. Eskens, C. (2016) Chemotherapy with gemcitabine plus cisplatin in patients with advanced thymic squamous cell carcinoma: Evaluation of efficacy and toxicity. org, provide details of noncompliance and dose modifications. CrossRef 237 Hirotoshi Ishiwatari, Tsuyoshi Hayashi, Makoto Yoshida, Michihiro Ono, Tsutomu Sato, Koji Miyanishi, Yasushi Sato, Rishu Takimoto, Masayoshi Kobune, Junji Kato. (2016) Proposal for a new T-stage classification system for distal cholangiocarcinoma: a 10-institution study from the U. Fiaschi, Letizia Laera, Franco Roviello, Daniele Marrelli, Edoardo Francini. Nagorney, Mark J. CrossRef 217 Zhongqi Fan, Huimei Yu, Ni Cui, Xianggui Kong, Xiaomin Liu, Yulei Chang, Yao Wu, Liankun Sun, Guangyi Wang. After the end of the study treatment, patients were seen in the clinic every 3 months. 6 months longer than those treated with gemcitabine alone. Prawan, U. CrossRef 50 Kwonoh Park, Kyu-pyo Kim, Seongjoon Park, Heung-Moon Chang. In the gemcitabine-only group, gemcitabine was administered at a dose of 1000 mg per square meter on days 1, 8, and 15 every 4 weeks, initially for three cycles. H. S. CrossRef 242 Hyeong Su Kim, Ho Young Kim, Dae Young Zang, Ho Suk Oh, Jang Yong Jeon, Ji Woong Cho, Choong Kee Park, Jong Hyeok Kim, Min-Jeong Kim, Hong Il Ha, Jung Han Kim, Boram Han, Hunho Song, Jung Hye Kwon, Dae Ro Choi, Joo Young Jung. Schefter, Karyn A. McKeever, Trisha Min, Elaine Wallace, David Hedley, Monika Krzyzanowska, Malcolm Moore, Steven Gallinger, Paul Greig, Stefano Serra, Laura A. Neumann, Tom Luedde. CrossRef 137 Wataru Izumo, Kenji Furukawa, Hideo Katsuragawa, Toru Tezuka, Tatsuya Furukawa, Kenichirou Hataji, Akio Komatsu, Kyousuke Shigematsu, Masakazu Yamamoto. Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology 18:4, 227-235. (2015) Evaluation of portal vein invasion of distal cholangiocarcinoma as borderline resectability. Teh, V. CrossRef 149 Tae Won Kwak, Do Hyung Kim, Young-Il Jeong, Dae Hwan Kang. Drolsum, C. For the end point of progression-free survival, progressive disease was defined as either objective tumor progression based on RECIST 1. Ferrone. Santini, C. (2016) Next-generation sequencing survey of biliary tract cancer reveals the association between tumor somatic variants and chemotherapy resistance. CrossRef 49 Wen-Chih Huang, Chien-Chen Tsai, Chih-Chieh Chan. G. Eatock, T. CrossRef 112 Francesco Leone, Donatella Marino, Stefano Cereda, Roberto Filippi, Carmen Belli, Rosella Spadi, Guglielmo Nasti, Massimo Montano, Alessio Amatu, Giuseppe Aprile, Celeste Cagnazzo, Gianpiero Fasola, Salvatore Siena, Libero Ciuffreda, Michele Reni, Massimo Aglietta. Macias, Chiara Raggi, Maria J. CrossRef 123 S. CrossRef 63 Hao Li, Zhengyun Zhang, Zunqiang Zhou, Xianting Ding, Guangwen Zhou. (2016) Immunotherapy of biliary tract cancer. (2016) A Case of Curative Resection of Advanced Combined Hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy. Arend, B. Vasile, D. Cisplatin is known to have an additive or synergistic effect in combination with gemcitabine in a number of different tumor types (e. Valle. CrossRef 74 Fabio Bagante, Gaya Spolverato, Alessandro Cucchetti, Faiz Gani, Irinel Popescu, Andrea Ruzzenente, Hugo P. Flemming, Jina Zhang-Salomons, Sulaiman Nanji, Christopher M. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 21, 87-90. Hruban, Tatsuhiro Shibata. CrossRef 179 Annapurna Gupta, Aarti Sharma, Anu Yadav, Neeraj Rastogi, Sushma Agrawal, Ashok Kumar, Vijay Kumar, Sanjeev Misra, Balraj Mittal. Martin, Charles R. Abstract Background There is no established standard chemotherapy for patients with locally advanced or metastatic biliary tract cancer. Weigt, T. summarizes the grades 3 and 4 adverse events reported during the trial. CrossRef 246 Andrew X. (2016) Mutation analysis and copy number changes of KRAS and BRAF genes in Taiwanese cases of biliary tract cholangiocarcinoma. CrossRef 194 Andri Lederer, Pia Herrmann, Daniel Seehofer, Manfred Dietel, Johann Pratschke, Peter Schlag, Ulrike Stein. (2015) Role of surgery in cholangiocarcinoma: From resection to transplantation. van Gulik. CrossRef 161 Bas Groot Koerkamp, Jimme K. S. (2015) Gemcitabine Plus Cisplatin for Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer: A Systematic Review. CrossRef 115 Tsuyoshi Hamada, Hideo Yasunaga, Yousuke Nakai, Hiroyuki Isayama, Hiroki Matsui, Kiyohide Fushimi, Kazuhiko Koike. Coelen, Anthony T. (2015) Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced gallbladder cancer. (2016) Defining when to offer operative treatment for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: A regret-based decision curves analysis. (2015) Surgical treatment of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in the USA. (2016) Systemic treatment in advanced biliary cancers: A multicenter Australian analysis and review. (2016) Second-Line Palliative Chemotherapy in Advanced Gall Bladder Cancer, CAP-IRI: Safe and Effective Option. Tables 1 through 3 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at NEJM. gov number, NCT00262769. (2016) Proposal of a new staging system for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Analysis of surgical patients from a nationwide survey of the Liver Cancer Study Group of Japan. Merrett. Jarnagin. CrossRef 143 Christian Mayr, Marlena Beyreis, Andrej Wagner, Martin Pichler, Daniel Neureiter, Tobias Kiesslich. CrossRef 148 Petra Jurcic. (2016) A primer on the use of dual-energy CT in the evaluation of commonly encountered neoplasms. Zhu. Jarnagin. Erdmann, F. Serum cholesterol lowering diet that replaced saturated fat with linoleic acid (from corn oil and corn oil polyunsaturated margarine). Overall survival was calculated from the date of randomization until the date of death. Abbott. CrossRef 136 Harsha Moole, Sirish Dharmapuri, Abhiram Duvvuri, Sowmya Dharmapuri, Raghuveer Boddireddy, Vishnu Moole, Prathyusha Yedama, Naveen Bondalapati, Achuta Uppu, Charan Yerasi. Curley. Cisplatin-gemcitabine combination in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a phase II study. Ioka, T. CrossRef 117 Masatsugu Hiraki, Junji Ueda, Keita Kai, Takao Ide, Masako Asai, Takao Ohtsuka, Naohiko Kohya, Shinsuke Mukai, Kenji Kitahara, Hirokazu Noshiro. (2015) Metastasis-associated in colon cancer 1 is an independent prognostic biomarker for survival in klatskin tumor patients. (2015) Histological and Molecular Subclassification of Pancreatic and Nonpancreatic Periampullary Cancers: Implications for (Neo) Adjuvant Systemic Treatment. Belli, A. To examine the traditional diet-heart hypothesis through recovery and analysis of previously unpublished data from the Minnesota Coronary Experiment (MCE) and to put findings in the context of existing diet-heart randomized controlled trials through a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2015) Chemotherapy and antiangiogenics in biliary tract cancer. Zhu. Aabakken, T. These data are consistent with the known preclinical 15 and clinical 9-11 synergies of cisplatin and gemcitabine. The MCE (1968-73) is a double blind randomized controlled trial designed to test whether replacement of saturated fat with vegetable oil rich in linoleic acid reduces coronary heart disease and death by lowering serum cholesterol. (2015) Interventional MRI-guided local delivery of agents into swine bile duct walls using MR-compatible needle-integrated balloon catheter system. The median follow-up time was 8. J. Coimbra, William R. CrossRef 10 Masahito Uji, Takashi Mizuno, Tomoki Ebata, Gen Sugawara, Tsuyoshi Igami, Keisuke Uehara, Masato Nagino. Boucher, K. Control diet was high in saturated fat from animal fats, common margarines, and shortenings. S. Busch, Thomas M. Valle. (2016) Aggressive Hemihepatectomy Combined with Resection and Reconstruction of Middle Hepatic Vein for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. Media in This Article Figure 1 Patient Enrollment, Randomization, and Treatment. Gemcitabine-based chemotherapy for advanced biliary tract carcinomas. (2016) Indications for major hepatectomy and combined procedures for advanced gallbladder cancer. Sella, J. (2015) Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. (2015) Three-weekly oxaliplatin combined with gemcitabine and capecitabine in the first-line treatment of patients with advanced biliary tract cancer. Yamamoto, T. Until the results of the ABC-01 study 12 and now these data were reported, nonrandomized, phase 2 studies provided the best evidence base for the treatment of biliary tract cancer. Plentz. (2015) A Sporadic Case of Advanced Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma in a Child. The role of gemcitabine in the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder cancer: a systematic review. (2016) Genomic Sequencing Identifies ELF3 as a Driver of Ampullary Carcinoma. CrossRef 214 Connor Hall, Viviane Mamlok, Ihsan Al-Khalil. Villalona-Calero, Tanios Bekaii-Saab. CrossRef 30 Tadahisa Inoue, Itaru Naitoh, Fumihiro Okumura, Takanori Ozeki, Kaiki Anbe, Hiroyasu Iwasaki, Hirotada Nishie, Takashi Mizushima, Hitoshi Sano, Takahiro Nakazawa, Masashi Yoneda, Takashi Joh. All patients received gemcitabine as a 30-minute infusion. van Eijck. Roberts. (2015) Difficult Diagnostic Problems in Pancreatobiliary Neoplasia. (2015) Systemic therapy of cholangiocarcinoma: From chemotherapy to targeted therapies. CrossRef 54 Han Zhang, Tian Yang, Mengchao Wu, Feng Shen. (2015) Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis as a Premalignant Biliary Tract Disease: Surveillance and Management. Cuneo, Theodore S. 6%, vs. CrossRef 239 Jieun Lee, Tae Ho Hong, In Seok Lee, Young Kyoung You, Myung Ah Lee. Milella, S. Chemotherapy improves survival and quality of life in advanced pancreatic and biliary cancer. Hauge, T. (2016) Technical Aspects of Gallbladder Cancer Surgery. Roberts. Garlipp, C. (2016) HBV-associated intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with high serum alpha-fetoprotein: a case report with review of literature. CrossRef 257 Hiroaki Haga, Tushar Patel. CrossRef 72 Lawrence Chen, Chiehfeng Chen, Yun Yen, Ka-Wai Tam. Clark Gamblin. Gores. CrossRef 95 Toshikazu Moriwaki, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto, Masahiko Gosho, Mariko Kobayashi, Akinori Sugaya, Takeshi Yamada, Shinji Endo, Ichinosuke Hyodo. (2016) Randomised controlled trial of temoporfin photodynamic therapy plus chemotherapy in nonresectable biliary carcinoma—PCS Nordic study. van Gulik. C. CrossRef 236 Toru Kawamoto, Kazunori Ishige, Melanie Thomas, Yoriko Yamashita-Kashima, Sei Shu, Nobuyuki Ishikura, Shunichi Ariizumi, Masakazu Yamamoto, Kunihiko Kurosaki, Junichi Shoda. Sugiura, R. , lung, 9 bladder, 10 and head and neck 11 cancers). Kim, Woo Il Kwon, Chung Lee, Sun Young Kim, Jiryeon Jang, Jungmi Ahn, Mihyun Kang, Hyojin Jang, Seung Tae Kim, Soomin Ahn, Kee-Taek Jang, Young Suk Park, Woong-Yang Park, Jeeyun Lee, Jin Seok Heo, Joon Oh Park. K. Cisplatin plus gemcitabine was administered on an outpatient basis as a 2-hour infusion (1 liter of 0. Olszewski. CrossRef 241 Fumihiko Miura, Keiji Sano, Hodaka Amano, Naoyuki Toyota, Keita Wada, Masahiro Yoshida, Koichi Hayano, Hisahiro Matsubara, Tadahiro Takada. (2016) Photodynamic Therapy Plus Chemotherapy Compared with Photodynamic Therapy Alone in Hilar Nonresectable Cholangiocarcinoma. Buanes, Z. Weber, Ahmed Salem, Robert C. CrossRef 45 Yaoting Chen, Huiqing Li, Xiongying Jiang, Dong Chen, Jiayan Ni, Hongliang Sun, Jianghong Luo, Herui Yao, Linfeng Xu. Marino, S. (2016) Impact of Skeletal Muscle Mass, Muscle Quality, and Visceral Adiposity on Outcomes Following Resection of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. Siew, N. CrossRef 106 Yang Luo, Jun-ling Li, Lin Yang, Wen Zhang. Martin, Charles R. Available evidence from randomized controlled trials shows that replacement of saturated fat in the diet with linoleic acid effectively lowers serum cholesterol but does not support the hypothesis that this translates to a lower risk of death from coronary heart disease or all causes. Patients who did not have disease progression and patients who died were excluded at the date of their last follow-up. Jensen, T. Knox, D. (2015) Consensus Conference on Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma. Kemeny, William R. W. (2015) Recurrence Rate and Pattern of Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma after Curative Intent Resection. (2015) Liver Resection for Advanced Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: A Cost-Utility Analysis. Hohenwalter. (2016) A phase I trial investigating pulsatile erlotinib in combination with gemcitabine and oxaliplatin in advanced biliary tract cancers. Pawlik. 3%), of whom 278 died. Tumor response, measured according to the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) 1. Clark Gamblin. Seven suspected, unexpected serious adverse reactions were reported during the trial, occurring in seven patients, all of whom were in the gemcitabine-only group. (2015) Percutaneous transhepatic portal vein stenting for malignant portal vein stenosis secondary to recurrent perihilar biliary cancer. (2015) Adjuvant therapy in the treatment of gallbladder cancer: a meta-analysis. In the ABC-01 trial, there was an increase in grade 3 or 4 fatigue in patients who received cisplatin plus gemcitabine (28. Boberg, Jose J. (2015) Evaluation of miR-27a, miR-181a, and miR-570 Genetic Variants with Gallbladder Cancer Susceptibility and Treatment Outcome in a North Indian Population. (2016) ACR Appropriateness Criteria Radiologic Management of Hepatic Malignancy. (2017) Radioembolization of Hepatic Malignancies: Background, Quality Improvement Guidelines, and Future Directions. CrossRef 256 Daisuke Hashimoto, Akira Chikamoto, Kazuya Sakata, Shigeki Nakagawa, Hiromitsu Hayashi, Masaki Ohmuraya, Masahiko Hirota, Naoya Yoshida, Toru Beppu, Hideo Baba. CrossRef 120 Manju D. Mantripragada, Fatima Hamid, Hammad Shafqat, Adam J. CrossRef 48 Masataka Okuno, Tomoki Ebata, Yukihiro Yokoyama, Tsuyoshi Igami, Gen Sugawara, Takashi Mizuno, Junpei Yamaguchi, Masato Nagino. (2016) Nrf2 inhibition sensitizes cholangiocarcinoma cells to cytotoxic and antiproliferative activities of chemotherapeutic agents. Ikeda, K. (2016) Evaluation and management of intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. CrossRef 111 Yi Chai. (2015) Long-term survival following extended hepatectomy with concomitant resection of all major hepatic veins for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: report of a case. (2015) Recombinant vaccinia virus GLV-1h68 is a promising oncolytic vector in the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma. CrossRef 226 Feng Zhang, Zhibin Bai, Yaoping Shi, Jianfeng Wang, Yonggang Li, Xiaoming Yang. CrossRef 146 Hirokazu Shoji, Chigusa Morizane, Yasunari Sakamoto, Shunsuke Kondo, Hideki Ueno, Hideki Takahashi, Izumi Ohno, Satoshi Shimizu, Shuichi Mitsunaga, Masafumi Ikeda, Takuji Okusaka. Ahn, Junan Li, Lai Wei, Austin Doyle, John L. Progression-free survival was measured from randomization until the date of disease progression or death. Point-of-Care Clinical Guide: Gallbladder Cancer. Hakamada, M. M. Ertel, David Bentrem, Daniel E. CrossRef 244 Masato Matsuyama, H. Palazzo, B. A randomised phase II trial of weekly high-dose 5-fluorouracil with and without folinic acid and cisplatin in patients with advanced biliary tract carcinoma: results of the 40955 EORTC trial. CrossRef 98 Junki Mizusawa, Chigusa Morizane, Takuji Okusaka, Hiroshi Katayama, Hiroshi Ishii, Haruhiko Fukuda, Junji Furuse. Relatively little is known about the biology of biliary tract cancer, but it appears to lie in the spectrum of gastrointestinal epithelial cancers with similar oncogenic mutations. CrossRef 211 Celina Ang. Brunner, Thomas Seufferlein. 9% saline over 30 minutes before the administration of gemcitabine). Bird, M. (2015) Feasibility and efficacy of gemcitabine plus cisplatin combination therapy after curative resection for biliary tract cancer. Roa, Volkan Adsay, Felipe J. (2016) A potent therapeutics for gallbladder cancer by combinatorial inhibition of the MAPK and mTOR signaling networks. Ethun, George Poultsides, Thuy Tran, Kamran Idrees, Chelsea A. CrossRef 154 Amudhan Pugalenthi, Kelly Mojica, Justin W Ady, Clark Johnsen, Damon Love, Nanhai G Chen, Richard J Aguilar, Aladar A Szalay, Yuman Fong. (2016) A pilot study of concurrent chemoradiotherapy with gemcitabine and cisplatin in patients with locally advanced biliary tract cancer. Schweitzer, A. CrossRef 221 A Schueneman, M Goggins, J Ensor, B Saka, N Neishaboori, S Lee, A Maitra, G Varadhachary, N Rezaee, C Wolfgang, V Adsay, H Wang, M J Overman. Furuse, N. CrossRef 26 Jennifer Chan. Maithel, Timothy M. (2016) Simvastatin and atorvastatin as inhibitors of proliferation and inducers of apoptosis in human cholangiocarcinoma cells. M. CrossRef 8 J. Further, a systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials that lowered serum cholesterol by providing vegetable oil rich in linoleic acid in place of saturated fat without confounding by concomitant interventions was conducted. (2016) Chemoembolization with drug eluting beads preloaded with irinotecan (DEBIRI). CrossRef 71 Papavee Samatiwat, Auemduan Prawan, Laddawan Senggunprai, Upa Kukongviriyapan, Veerapol Kukongviriyapan. Florman. CrossRef 163 Christian Mayr, Andrej Wagner, Daniel Neureiter, Martin Pichler, Martin Jakab, Romana Illig, Frieder Berr, Tobias Kiesslich. CrossRef 192 Toshikazu Moriwaki, Hiroyasu Ishida, Masahiro Araki, Shinji Endo, Shigemasa Yoshida, Mariko Kobayashi, Yukako Hamano, Akinori Sugaya, Masahiro Shimoyamada, Naoyuki Hasegawa, Mamiko Imanishi, Yuka Ito, Daiki Sato, Ichinosuke Hyodo. (2016) Multidisciplinary management and the future of treatment in cholangiocarcinoma. (2016) Prognostic factors for progression-free and overall survival in advanced biliary tract cancer. (2015) A randomized, multicenter, phase II study of vandetanib monotherapy versus vandetanib in combination with gemcitabine versus gemcitabine plus placebo in subjects with advanced biliary tract cancer: the VanGogh study. Malik. (2015) Cisplatin and gemcitabine in patients with advanced biliary tract cancer (ABC) and persistent jaundice despite optimal stenting: Effective intervention in patients with luminal disease. L. CrossRef 52 Anant Ramaswamy, Vikas Ostwal, Nikhil Pande, Arvind Sahu, Sunny Jandyal, Mukta Ramadwar, Nitin Shetty, Shraddha Patkar, Mahesh Goel, Sudeep Gupta. CrossRef 75 Esther Tahover, Rachel Bar Shalom, Naama Bogot, David Kelsen, Alberto Gabizon. G. J. CrossRef 260 Koji Hashimoto, Charles M. Once progressive disease was documented, patients underwent follow-up for survival only. (2015) Gallbladder Cancer: expert consensus statement. Mark McKinney, Weiping Wang. CrossRef 103 Lars Henrik Jensen. Marin, Domenico Alvaro. CrossRef 258 Jesper B. Price, John Zalcberg, Katrin Sjoquist, Neil D. Booth. Kukongviriyapan. (2016) Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor-producing gallbladder carcinoma-include analysis all case reports: A case report. CrossRef 55 Reena Engineer, Mahesh Goel, Supriya Chopra, Prachi Patil, Nilendu Purandare, Venkatesh Rangarajan, Reena Ph, Munita Bal, Shailesh Shrikhande, S. Peter Kingham. (2015) Epigenetic regulation in the carcinogenesis of cholangiocarcinoma. CrossRef 191 M. (2015) Second-Line Chemotherapy in Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer: A Retrospective Analysis. Sulpice, J. A Cox proportional-hazards model was used to estimate the hazard ratios. Chan-On, E. 1 software (Stata). Johnston, Susan Tsai, Ben George, Jim Thomas, Dan Eastwood, Anjishnu Banerjee, Kathleen K. Mizuno, T. (2015) ABT737 enhances cholangiocarcinoma sensitivity to cisplatin through regulation of mitochondrial dynamics. (2016) MEK inhibitor treatment is effective in a patient with metastatic carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater with BRAF and NRAS mutations shown by next-generation sequencing. CrossRef 134 R. Mogal, Carl Schmidt, Eliza Beal, Ioannis Hatzaras, Rivfka Shenoy, Shishir K. Cordio, F. Maguchi, N. (2016) Novel investigational therapies for treating biliary tract carcinoma. CrossRef 162 Siddharth A. Okamura, T. 2017. A small response in tumor bulk may therefore have a greater effect on survival than would be the case for other cancers. CrossRef 250 Jordi Bruix, Kwang-Hyub Han, Gregory Gores, Josep Maria Llovet, Vincenzo Mazzaferro. (2016) Radiation therapy in cholangiocellular carcinomas. Phase II trial of cisplatin and gemcitabine in advanced squamous-cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Tumor Response Objective tumor response was measurable in 303 patients (patients were not required to have measurable disease at study entry). Kok, B.

This benefit was achieved with the use of an outpatient schedule, and adverse events were similar between the two treatment regimens. CrossRef 2 Michael Loudin, Ranjan Mascarenhas, Barry Schlansky. New guidelines to evaluate the response to treatment in solid tumors. (2016) Best options for preoperative biliary drainage in patients with Klatskin tumors. Assessments Patients were seen at the start of every cycle for a physical examination, monitoring of symptoms and toxic effects, assessment of renal function, and a complete blood count. Methods Study Design This randomized, controlled, phase 3 trial was designed and developed by the ABC-02 Trial Management Group under the auspices of the Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Clinical Studies Group of the United Kingdom National Cancer Research Institute. Garin, G. The trial was designed to have 80% power to detect an increase in median survival from 8 months in patients receiving gemcitabine alone to 11 months in patients receiving cisplatin plus gemcitabine. A total of 204 patients received cisplatin plus gemcitabine, and 206 received gemcitabine alone ( Figure 1 Figure 1 Patient Enrollment, Randomization, and Treatment. (2016) Correlations of survival with progression-free survival, response rate, and disease control rate in advanced biliary tract cancer: a meta-analysis of randomised trials of first-line chemotherapy. (2016) Generation, characterization and preclinical studies of a human anti-L1CAM monoclonal antibody that cross-reacts with rodent L1CAM. Pawlik. Konopski. CrossRef 77 Kulthida Vaeteewoottacharn, Ryusho Kariya, Paweena Dana, Sawako Fujikawa, Kouki Matsuda, Koichi Ohkuma, Eriko Kudo, Ratthaphol Kraiklang, Chaisiri Wongkham, Sopit Wongkham, Seiji Okada. A. Zaniboni, M. (2015) Molecular diagnosis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. We initially conducted a randomized, phase 2 study involving 86 patients to compare cisplatin plus gemcitabine with gemcitabine alone. Journal of the American College of Radiology 13, 265-273. Mitomycin C in combination with capecitabine or biweekly high-dose gemcitabine in patients with advanced biliary tract cancer: a randomised phase II trial. Levi Sandri, B. Ong, L. Oncological management of primary liver cancer in the era of minimal access surgery. Dawson, Jennifer J. CrossRef 213 Joon Oh Park, Do-Youn Oh, Chiun Hsu, Jen-Shi Chen, Li-Tzong Chen, Mauro Orlando, Jong Seok Kim, Ho Yeong Lim. Banales, Vincenzo Cardinale, Guido Carpino, Marco Marzioni, Jesper B. This trial was approved by a research ethics committee, and all necessary regulatory approvals were obtained. S. (2015) Comparison of the Efficacy between Gemcitabine-Cisplatin and Capecitabine-Cisplatin Combination Chemotherapy for Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer. Synergistic interaction between cisplatin and gemcitabine in vitro. Maithel. An independent data and safety monitoring board regularly reviewed the data on safety. Clark Gamblin. 3%) had tumor progression. Mogal, Carl Schmidt, Eliza Beal, Ioannis Hatzaras, Rivfka Shenoy, Shishir K. Diniz, Andrew X. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 26:7, 943-948. Findings from the Minnesota Coronary Experiment add to growing evidence that incomplete publication has contributed to overestimation of the benefits of replacing saturated fat with vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid. Use of Chromatin Changes as Biomarkers. Schwartz, Sander S. CrossRef 93 John Bridgewater, Andre Lopes, Daniel Palmer, David Cunningham, Alan Anthoney, Anthony Maraveyas, Srinivasan Madhusudan, Tim Iveson, Juan Valle, Harpreet Wasan. (2016) Integrating patient reported measures as predictive parameters into decisionmaking about palliative chemotherapy: a pilot study. Malignant Liver Lesions. After we found an improvement in progression-free survival, the trial was extended to the phase 3 trial reported here. Cisplatin plus gemcitabine is an appropriate option for the treatment of patients with advanced biliary cancer. Kukongviriyapan, W. (2015) A case of metastatic renal cell carcinoma and bile duct carcinoma treated with a combination of sunitinib and gemcitabine. (2015) The role of polycomb repressive complexes in biliary tract cancer. Soulis, S. CrossRef 6 John Bridgewater, Andre Lopes, Sandra Beare, Marian Duggan, Dymphna Lee, Maravic Ricamara, Delyth McEntee, Ajithkumar Sukumaran, Harpreet Wasan, Juan W. CrossRef 243 Hideyuki Yoshitomi, Shuichi Miyakawa, Masato Nagino, Tadahiro Takada, Masaru Miyazaki. (2016) Hepatopancreatoduodenectomy for local recurrence of cholangiocarcinoma after excision of a type IV-A congenital choledochal cyst: a case report. CrossRef 202 Lipika Goyal, Dawn Q Chong, Dan G Duda, Andrew X Zhu. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2016, 1-8. Furuse, S. Galiano, S. Maithel, Timothy M. 2016. (2016) Expert consensus document: Cholangiocarcinoma: current knowledge and future perspectives consensus statement from the European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma (ENS-CCA). Shinagare, Vikram Deshpande. e4. CrossRef 92 Sun Min Lim, Jeong Eun Yoo, Kiat Hon Lim, David Wai Meng Tai, Byoung Chul Cho, Young Nyun Park. Mizuno, T. Wagner, D. CrossRef 58 Yu Wang, Xiwei Ding, Shaoqing Wang, Catherine D. Kalinski, C. CrossRef 121 Chandragouda Dodagoudar, Dinesh Chandra Doval, Anupam Mahanta, Varun Goel, Amitabh Upadhyay, Pankaj Goyal, Vineet Talwar, Sajjan Singh, Mithun Chacko John, Srikant Tiwari, Nivedita Patnaik. e2. CrossRef 159 Hyun Jung Kim, Jina Yun, Han Jo Kim, Kyoung Ha Kim, Se Hyung Kim, Sang-Cheol Lee, Sang Byung Bae, Chan Kyu Kim, Nam Su Lee, Kyu Taek Lee, Seong Kyu Park, Jong-Ho Won, Hyun Jong Choi, Jong Ho Moon, Dae Sik Hong. Poston, H. (2016) Phase II Study of Hepatic Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy with Oxaliplatin and 5-Fluorouracil for Advanced Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma. (2016) Optimal combination of gemcitabine, sorafenib, and S-1 shows increased efficacy in treating cholangiocarcinoma in vitro and in vivo. metastatic), performance status, previous therapy, and recruiting center. Treatment was discontinued at 24 weeks or because of disease progression, patient or clinician choice, or unacceptable toxic effects. (2016) Serum levels of S100A6 are unaltered in patients with resectable cholangiocarcinoma. Rauws, Klaus Emmanuel, Nora Degenhardt, Ulrich Frick, Ulrich Beuers, Ansgar W. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 28:1, 1-15. M. Gemcitabine (Gemzar, Eli Lilly) treatment for biliary tract cancer has been increasingly prescribed by oncologists who specialize in hepatobiliary disease because of its use in pancreatic cancer. CrossRef 199 Yasunari Kawabata, Takeshi Nishi, Akihiko Kidani, Yoshitsugu Tajima. Identification of novel cellular targets in biliary tract cancers using global gene expression technology. (2016) Treatment Selection and Survival Outcomes With and Without Radiation for Unresectable, Localized Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. Long-term survival results of a randomized trial comparing gemcitabine plus cisplatin, with methotrexate, vinblastine, doxorubicin, plus cisplatin in patients with bladder cancer. Fenwick, G. Dose modifications were defined per protocol, and modifications and delays were allowed for hematologic toxicity, abnormal renal function, nausea, vomiting, peripheral neuropathy, edema, or tinnitus. CrossRef 87 Huaqiang Zhu, Yuetang Mi, Xian Jiang, Xu Zhou, Rui Li, Zheng Wei, Hongchi Jiang, Jun Lu, Xueying Sun. CrossRef 249 Ricarda Seidensticker, Jens Ricke, Max Seidensticker. (2016) Comparison of FOLFIRINOX Chemotherapy with Other Regimens in Patients with Biliary Tract Cancers: a Retrospective Study. CrossRef 85 Robert Wentrup, Nicola Winkelmann, Andrey Mitroshkin, Matthias Prager, Winfried Voderholzer, Guido Schachschal, Christian J, rgensen, Carsten B, ning. A total of 362 patients had tumor progression (88. (2015) Validation of histomolecular classification utilizing histological subtype, MUC1, and CDX2 for prognostication of resected ampullary adenocarcinoma. F. CrossRef 175 Mami Muramatsu, Aya Tsuchiya, Seiko Ohta, Yukie Iijima, Miyuki Maruyama, Yoshiko Onodera, Megumi Hagihara, Naoki Nakaya, Itaru Sato, Kenji Omura, Soichiro Ueno, Hideo Nakajima. Korean Journal of Pancreas and Biliary Tract 21:2, 101-106. CrossRef 215 J. Appendix The recruiting sites and principal investigators in the ABC-02 study are as follows: Aberdeen Royal Infirmary — M. Meunier, E. (2016) Significant Improvement in Outcomes of Patients with Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma after Surgery. Truty. Weber, Ahmed Salem, Robert C. Patients were randomly assigned by telephone by the Cancer Research United Kingdom and University College London Cancer Trials Centre, which coordinated the trial. H. In summary, this study shows a significant survival advantage for cisplatin plus gemcitabine over gemcitabine alone in patients with advanced biliary cancer. V. CrossRef 230 Ayako Ohkawa, Masashi Mizumoto, Hitoshi Ishikawa, Masato Abei, Kuniaki Fukuda, Takayuki Hashimoto, Takeji Sakae, Koji Tsuboi, Toshiyuki Okumura, Hideyuki Sakurai. (2016) Intra-pancreatic Distal Bile Duct Carcinoma is Morphologically, Genetically, and Clinically Distinct from Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. (2015) Results of an abbreviated phase-II study with the Akt Inhibitor MK-2206 in Patients with Advanced Biliary Cancer. Hauge, P. The database was closed for analysis in June 2009. Recovered MCE unpublished documents and raw data were analyzed according to hypotheses prespecified by original investigators. Results We recruited 410 patients from 37 centers in the United Kingdom across the National Cancer Research Network between February 2002 and October 2008. Statistical Analysis The primary outcome was overall survival, and the secondary outcomes were progression-free survival, tumor response, and adverse events. CrossRef 233 Bhawna Sirohi, Abhishek Mitra, Palepu Jagannath, Ashish Singh, Mukta Ramadvar, Suyash Kulkarni, Mahesh Goel, Shailesh V Shrikhande. (2016) Assessing Trends in Palliative Surgery for Extrahepatic Biliary Malignancies: A 15-Year Multicenter Study. 1% in the gemcitabine-only group 12 ). (2016) Genomic Alterations in Biliary Tract Cancer Using Targeted Sequencing. Increasing incidence and mortality of primary intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in the United States. (2015) Evaluation of the safety and pathological effects of neoadjuvant full-dose gemcitabine combination radiation therapy in patients with biliary tract cancer. Martin, Charles Scoggins, Perry Shen, Harveshp D. Robertson. The Japanese Journal of Gastroenterological Surgery 49:12, 1214-1221. CrossRef 38 Ikuto Tsukiyama, Masayuki Ejiri, Yoshihiro Yamamoto, Haruhisa Nakao, Masashi Yoneda, Katsuhiko Matsuura, Ichiro Arakawa, Hiroko Saito, Tadao Inoue. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 20, 109-113. (2016) Reintervention for stent occlusion after bilateral self-expandable metallic stent placement for malignant hilar biliary obstruction. Ciombor, Jill Gilbert, Stephen James Smith, Emily Chan, Jordan Berlin. Follow-up visits consisted of clinical assessment and either CT or MRI to assess tumor progression. Valle, Morten Mau-Sorensen. CrossRef 216 Bing-Wei Ye, Kuei-Chuan Lee, Yun-Cheng Hsieh, Chung-Pin Li, Yee Chao, Ming-Chih Hou, Han-Chieh Lin. (2016) Advances in Molecular Pathology and Treatment of Periampullary Cancers. (2016) Comparison of gemcitabine plus cisplatin versus capecitabine plus cisplatin as first-line chemotherapy for advanced biliary tract cancer. (2015) Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 fusions as a target for treating cholangiocarcinoma. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 109:2, djw202. (2016) Growing Evidence Supports the Use of Radiation Therapy in Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. (2015) Chemotherapy for Surgically Resected Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. (2015) Intra-arterial Yttrium-90 Radioembolization Combined with Systemic Chemotherapy is a Promising Method for Downstaging Unresectable Huge Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma to Surgical Treatment. (2016) FOLFOX-4 as second-line therapy after failure of gemcitabine and platinum combination in advanced gall bladder cancer patients. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 26:12, 1874-1878. Diagnosis and Management of Intrahepatic and Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports 28, 274-278. (2016) Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis and surgical management. Silva. Mehta. (2016) Epidemiology and surgical management of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Warloe, A. Heimbach, Masato Nagino, Jean-Nicolas Vauthey. (2016) Panitumumab in combination with gemcitabine and oxaliplatin does not prolong survival in wild-type. (2015) Phase I clinical trial of oral administration of S-1 in combination with intravenous gemcitabine and cisplatin in patients with advanced biliary tract cancer. Lopes, H. CrossRef 253 Roberto Petrioli, Giandomenico Roviello, Anna I. (2016) Immunophenotyping of ampullary carcinomata allows for stratification of treatment specific subgroups. CrossRef 70 Akinori Miyata, Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Satoshi Yamamoto, Nobuhisa Akamatsu, Junichi Arita, Junichi Kaneko, Kiyoshi Hasegawa, Norihiro Kokudo. (2016) Appraisal of inflammation-based prognostic scores in patients with unresectable perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. Neumann, Maximilian Schmeding. Aloia, Randa Tao, Ahmed Kaseb, Milind Javle, Christopher H. (2016) The case for immune-based approaches in biliary tract carcinoma. Milella, A. Tumor control was defined as a complete response, a partial response, or stable disease. F. Vogel. CrossRef 198 F. (2015) Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Metal Stent for Malignant Hilar Obstruction: Results and Predictive Factors for Efficacy in 159 Patients from a Single Center. (2016) A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Gemcitabine plus Cisplatin Versus Gemcitabine Alone for Treatment of Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer in Japan. (2016) Resection of Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma. (2016) Endoscopic versus Percutaneous Biliary Drainage in Palliation of Advanced Malignant Hilar Obstruction: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review. CrossRef 33, Jong-Ho Kim, In-Gu Do, Kyungeun Kim, Jin Hee Sohn, Hong Joo Kim, Woo Kyu Jeon, Sung Ryol Lee, Byung Ho Son, Jun Ho Shin, Heerim Nam, Heon-Ju Kwon, Mi Sung Kim, Hyun Pyo Hong, Ginette Serrero, Dong-Hoe Koo. CrossRef 210 Yu Takahashi, Tomoki Ebata, Yukihiro Yokoyama, Tsuyoshi Igami, Gen Sugawara, Takashi Mizuno, Yuji Nimura, Masato Nagino. CrossRef 25 Shinya Okumura, Toshimi Kaido, Yuhei Hamaguchi, Atsushi Kobayashi, Hisaya Shirai, Yasuhiro Fujimoto, Taku Iida, Shintaro Yagi, Kojiro Taura, Etsuro Hatano, Hideaki Okajima, Shinji Uemoto. (2015) Giant Cholangiolocellular Carcinoma With Early Recurrence That Was Difficult to Distinguish From Cholangiocellular Carcinoma: Report of a Case. Valle. Nihon Rinsho Geka Gakkai Zasshi (Journal of Japan Surgical Association) 77:1, 167-173. (2015) Liver transplantation for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Scagliotti. Okusaka, J. Re-evaluation of the traditional diet-heart hypothesis: analysis of recovered data from Minnesota Coronary Experiment (1968-73). Y. CrossRef 91 Benjaporn Buranrat, Laddawan Senggunprai, Auemduan Prawan, Veerapol Kukongviriyapan. La Salvia, G. Poultsides. mAbs, 00-00. (2016) A dose-finding study for oxaliplatin, irinotecan, and S-1 (OIS) in patients with metastatic or recurrent gastrointestinal cancer. (2015) Radiofrequency Ablation in the Treatment of Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clinical Radiation Oncology, 960-976. Maughan, M. CrossRef 225 Mingwu Li, Ming Bai, Xingshun Qi, Kai Li, Zhanxin Yin, Jianhong Wang, Wenbing Wu, Luanluan Zhen, Chuangye He, Daiming Fan, Zhuoli Zhang, Guohong Han. CrossRef 126 Yoshihiro Sakamoto, Norihiro Kokudo, Yutaka Matsuyama, Michiie Sakamoto, Namiki Izumi, Masumi Kadoya, Shuichi Kaneko, Yonson Ku, Masatoshi Kudo, Tadatoshi Takayama, Osamu Nakashima,. Graham, K. CrossRef 14 Gunnar Juliusson, Jon Gunnlaugur Jonasson, Sara B. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 221:6, 1041-1049. CrossRef 41 Tulay Kus, Gokmen Aktas, Mehmet Emin Kalender, Alper Sevinc, Celaletdin Camci. (2015) Integration of chemoembolization and radioembolization into multimodal treatment of cholangiocarcinoma. Mutations of the BRAF gene in cholangiocarcinoma but not in hepatocellular carcinoma. CrossRef 61 Gaya Spolverato, Fabio Bagante, Cecilia G. One nursing home and six state mental hospitals in Minnesota, United States. Figure 2 Outcomes in Patients with Biliary Tract Cancer Who Received Gemcitabine Alone versus Cisplatin plus Gemcitabine. Harden, P. Miyazaki, Y. CrossRef 166 Ning Ma, Hui Cheng, Baodong Qin, Renqian Zhong, Bin Wang. CrossRef 108 T. Wall, M. CrossRef 64 Stefan Buettner, Ana Wilson, Georgios Antonis Margonis, Faiz Gani, Cecilia G. Senggunprai, A. Boudjema. CrossRef 176 Liangdong Jiang, Aiyong He, Xiaojie He, Cheng Tao. (2015) Glass Microspheres 90Y Selective Internal Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy as First-Line Treatment of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. McNamara, J. Peter Kingham, William R. Wasan, J. (2015) Targeting specific molecular pathways holds promise for advanced gallbladder cancer therapy. (2016) Increased incidence but improved median overall survival for biliary tract cancers diagnosed in Ontario from 1994 through 2012: A population-based study. CrossRef 28 Zhongzhi Jia, Ricardo Paz-Fumagalli, Gregory Frey, David M. CrossRef 180 Umberto Cillo, Gaya Spolverato, Alessandro Vitale, Aslam Ejaz, Sara Lonardi, David Cosgrove, Timothy M. (2015) Surgery for Recurrent Biliary Tract Cancer. (2016) Interstitial lung disease associated with gemcitabine: A Japanese retrospective cohort study. (2016) Hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 inhibits the growth and metastasis of cholangiocarcinoma cells by regulating miR-122. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. CrossRef 110 Giovanni Brandi, Michela Venturi, Maria Abbondanza Pantaleo, Giorgio Ercolani. (2016) A phase 1b study of Selumetinib in combination with Cisplatin and Gemcitabine in advanced or metastatic biliary tract cancer: the ABC-04 study. Goodman. CrossRef 142 Suk-young Lee, Hye sook Kim, Yoon Ji Choi, Kyong Hwa Park, Sang Won Shin, Yeul Hong Kim, Seung Tae Kim. (2015) Antitumor activity of vorinostat-incorporated nanoparticles against human cholangiocarcinoma cells. Adverse Events Table 2 Table 2 Grade 3 or 4 Toxic Effects during Treatment, According to Treatment Group. Chatrath, George A. (2016) A case of advanced intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma accidentally, but successfully, treated with capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (CAPOX) therapy combined with bevacizumab: a case report. (2016) Locally Advanced Gallbladder Cancer Treated with Chemotherapy and Subsequent Curative Resection. Mertens, Michael Trauner, Antonio Benedetti, Luca Maroni, Javier Vaquero, Rocio I. M. Martines, D. Stiles, William Pavlicek, Alvin C. Tronconi, G. At the time of the final analysis, 327 deaths had occurred, and 362 patients (88. CrossRef 139 Jason Ho, Steven A. CrossRef 9 Caixia Wang, Haiyan Jing, Dan Sha, Weibo Wang, Jianpeng Chen, Yangang Cui, Junqing Han. Lillemoe, Cristina R. Bekaii-Saab, M. CrossRef 185 Nai-Jung Chiang, Yan-Shen Shan, Wen-Chun Hung, Li-Tzong Chen. (2015) Derived neutrophil lymphocyte ratio may predict benefit from cisplatin in the advanced biliary cancer: the ABC-02 and BT-22 studies. (2015) Prognostic Value of Excision Repair Cross-Complementing Gene 1, Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase, and Human Equilibrative Nucleotide Transporter 1 Expression and Their Implications for Adjuvant Treatment in Patients With Ampullary Carcinoma. CrossRef 144 Wataru Fujii, Ken Hayashi, Shigetoshi Yamada, Hiroshi Kusanagi. CrossRef 252 Christian Mayr, Daniel Neureiter, Andrej Wagner, Martin Pichler, Tobias Kiesslich. (2015) Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder cancer: distinguishing molecular profiles to guide potential therapy. CrossRef 197 Shin-ichiro Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi Igami, Tomoki Ebata, Yukihiro Yokoyama, Gen Sugawara, Takashi Mizuno, Yuji Nimura, Masato Nagino. CrossRef 259 Nir Lubezky, Marcelo Facciuto, Norifumi Harimoto, Myron E. CrossRef 152 Shogo Kobayashi, Akira Tomokuni, Kunihito Gotoh, Hidenori Takahashi, Hirofumi Akita, Shigeru Marubashi, Terumasa Yamada, Teruki Teshima, Kinji Nishiyama, Masahiko Yano, Hiroaki Ohigashi, Osamu Ishikawa, Masato Sakon. CrossRef 100 Hermien Hartog, Jan N. (2016) Defining the Chance of Statistical Cure Among Patients with Extrahepatic Biliary Tract Cancer. ). T. Survival and Disease Progression The final analysis was event-driven and performed 8 months after the last patient was enrolled in the trial, at which point 327 deaths had occurred (79. (2016) A Case of Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of the Gallbladder Which Was Treated by Aggressive Surgery and Intensive Adjuvant Chemotherapy. van Gulik, Bas Groot Koerkamp. The study was conducted by investigators at 37 centers in the United Kingdom, and data were collected and analyzed at the Cancer Research United Kingdom and University College London Cancer Trials Centre, London. ) Full Text of Discussion. CrossRef 234 Mie Grunnet, Dan Calatayud, Nicolai Aa Schultz, Jane P. Highley, E. Espinoza, Helga Weber, Pamela Leal, Bruno Nervi, Juan Carlos Roa. (2015) The green tea catechin epigallocatechin gallate induces cell cycle arrest and shows potential synergism with cisplatin in biliary tract cancer cells. (2016) Rare Incidence of ROS1 Rearrangement in Cholangiocarcinoma. (2016) Diagnostic accuracy of staging laparoscopy for detecting metastasized or locally advanced perihilar cholangiocarcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. G. G. (2015) Overexpression and gene amplification of EGFR, HER2, and HER3 in biliary tract carcinomas, and the possibility for therapy with the HER2-targeting antibody pertuzumab. Padia. Mitchell, Boris Nikolic, Riad Salem. Phase III study of 5FU, etoposide and leucovorin (FELV) compared to epirubicin, cisplatin and 5FU (ECF) in previously untreated patients with advanced biliary cancer. (2015) A 46-Year-Old Asian Woman With Liver Mass. Extrahepatic Biliary Malignancy Consortium. Investigators were unaware of the overall survival analysis in the ABC-01 trial, as mandated by the independent data and safety monitoring committee. Lutrino, V. (2016) Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase potentiates bevacizumab treatment in cholangiocarcinoma. Bridgewater. CrossRef 245 Christian Mayr, Daniel Neureiter, Martin Pichler, Frieder Berr, Andrej Wagner, Tobias Kiesslich, Konrad Namberger. (2016) Implications of CA19-9 elevation for survival, staging, and treatment sequencing in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: A national cohort analysis. CrossRef 78 Jung Hyun Jo, Moon Jae Chung, Dai Hoon Han, Jeong Youp Park, Seungmin Bang, Seung Woo Park, Si Young Song, Jae Bock Chung. Puapairoj, C. Ferrari, L. Mogal, Carl Schmidt, Eliza Beal, Ioannis Hatzaras, Gerardo Vitiello, Kenneth Cardona, Shishir K. (2016) Antitumor effect of FGFR inhibitors on a novel cholangiocarcinoma patient derived xenograft mouse model endogenously expressing an FGFR2-CCDC6 fusion protein. CrossRef 79 Yoshitsugu Nakanishi, Takahiro Tsuchikawa, Keisuke Okamura, Toru Nakamura, Eiji Tamoto, Soichi Murakami, Yuma Ebihara, Yo Kurashima, Takehiro Noji, Toshimichi Asano, Toshiaki Shichinohe, Satoshi Hirano. CrossRef 21 Suguru Yamashita, Eugene Jon Koay, Guillaume Passot, Rachna Shroff, Kanwal P. (2015) Measuring body composition using the bioelectrical impedance method can predict the outcomes of gemcitabine-based chemotherapy in patients with pancreatobiliary tract cancer. (2016) Progranulin as a predictive factor of response to chemotherapy in advanced biliary tract carcinoma. Our data suggest that biliary tract cancers are sensitive to chemotherapy, a reality suggested but never proved by extant underpowered clinical data. (2016) Cholangiocarcinoma: Current opinion on clinical practice diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms. (2016) Curative resection of carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater with lymph node metastases around the abdominal aorta after chemotherapy: A case report. Edeline, E. Miller. Ishii, J. Raghav, Claudius Conrad, Yun Shin Chun, Thomas A. Ruys, Marc G. Shrivastava, S. Khuntikeo, B. Gemcitabine alone or in combination with cisplatin in patients with advanced or metastatic cholangiocarcinomas or other biliary tract tumours: a multicentre randomised phase II study -- the UK ABC-01 Study. CrossRef 12 Shintaro Akabane, Masahiro Ohira, Tsuyoshi Kobayashi, Shintaro Kuroda, Naoki Tanimine, Seiichi Shimizu, Hiroyuki Tahara, Kentaro Ide, Kohei Ishiyama, Hiroyuki Egi, Kazuaki Tanabe, Kazuhiro Sentani, Wataru Yasui, Hideki Ohdan. Lilly Oncology provided the investigators with gemcitabine at no cost but was not involved in the accrual or analysis of the data, the interpretation of the results, or the preparation of the manuscript. Supported by the University College London Hospitals and University College London Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre, University College London, Cancer Research United Kingdom, and an unrestricted educational grant from Lilly Oncology. Kelly, D. Fanta, Kelly Shimabukuro, Razelle Kurzrock. Betzler, J. Ashida, Y. Ijzermans, Thomas M. Okusaka, H. (2015) MicroRNA-126 enhances the sensitivity of osteosarcoma cells to cisplatin and methotrexate. Ohashi, Y. Ramsay Camp, Crystal S. (2016) Role of staging laparoscopy in the stratification of patients with perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. Plotkin, J. There was no evidence of a difference in treatment effect between the subgroups. McNamara, Mark Jitlal, Harpreet Wasan, John Bridgewater, Juan W. (2015) Decline in CA19-9 during chemotherapy predicts survival in four independent cohorts of patients with inoperable bile duct cancer. Nash, Y. Ito, K. Patients treated with cisplatin plus gemcitabine lived an average of 3. Gall Bladder Cancer. CrossRef 7 Anna Creutzfeldt, Anna Suling, Karin Oechsle, Anja Mehnert, Djordje Atanackovic, Melanie Kripp, Dirk Arnold, Alexander Stein, Julia Quidde. (2015) Targeted Therapy in Biliary Tract Cancers. (2016) Long-Term Survival with Chemoradiation Alone in Locally Advanced Unresectable Gallbladder Cancer: First Case Report of a New Paradigm. (2015) Outcome of Adjuvant Therapy in Biliary Tract Cancers. Popp, J. 2016. To allow for dropouts and to ensure that we had sufficient evidence to meet the trial objectives, we aimed to recruit 400 patients. Jarnagin, Thomas M. CrossRef 82 Kwai Han Yoo, Nayoung K. CrossRef 177 Concetta Elisa Onesti, Adriana Romiti, Michela Roberto, Rosa Falcone, Paolo Marchetti. Poultsides, James Wallis Marsh, Alfredo Guglielmi, Timothy M. The trial was initially designed as a randomized, phase 2 study involving 86 patients (the ABC-01 trial), conducted between February 2002 and June 2004. Rimassa. A multicenter, randomized phase II trial of gemcitabine and oxaliplatin (GEMOX) alone or in combination with biweekly cetuximab in the first-line treatment of advanced biliary cancer: interim analysis of the BINGO trial. Palmer, S. Chen, Tanios Bekaii-Saab. Denzer, Daniel Neureiter, Tobias Kiesslich, Andreas Puespoeck, Erik A. Malek, Ludwig Wilkens, Ruben R. 2016. Malka, L. C. (2015) Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma: expert consensus statement. 0 criteria or the confirmed emergence of local nonprimary, metastatic, or nodal disease. R. Groot Koerkamp, K. (2015) Liver cancer: Approaching a personalized care. I. (2015) Molecular pathogenesis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Pawlik, Stefan Buettner, George Poultsides, Thuy Tran, Kamran Idrees, Chelsea A. Borad, Lewis R. (2015) Next-generation sequencing and personalized genomic medicine in hepatobiliary malignancies. (2016) EF24 inhibits tumor growth and metastasis via suppressing NF-kappaB dependent pathways in human cholangiocarcinoma. (2016) Outcome of Transplant-fallout Patients With Unresectable Cholangiocarcinoma. Yamaguchi, T. CrossRef 5 Mihoko Yamada, Tomoki Ebata, Gen Sugawara, Tsuyoshi Igami, Takashi Mizuno, Yuji Shingu, Masato Nagino. CrossRef 118 Seulki Cho, Insoo Park, Haejung Kim, Mun Sik Jeong, Mooney Lim, Eung Suk Lee, Jin Hong Kim, Semi Kim, Hyo Jeong Hong. (2015) Self-Expandable Metallic Stent Placement in Malignant Gastric Outlet Obstruction. (2016) Prognostic impact of the site of portal vein invasion in patients with surgically resected perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. (2016) A Prognostic Index to Identify Patients With Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Who Could Benefit From Gemcitabine Plus Cisplatin. Valle, J. CrossRef 224 Norihiro Ishii, Hideki Suzuki, Mariko Tsukagoshi, Akira Watanabe, Norio Kubo, Kenichiro Araki, Satoshi Wada, Hiroyuki Kuwano. (2016) Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma coinciding with a liver metastasis from a rectal carcinoma: a case report. Besselink, Olivier R. Conclusions As compared with gemcitabine alone, cisplatin plus gemcitabine was associated with a significant survival advantage without the addition of substantial toxicity. 9% saline including cisplatin, 20 mmol of potassium chloride, and 8 mmol of magnesium sulfate over 1 hour followed by 500 ml of 0. Comandone, S. Coxon, L. Auriemma, A. D. CrossRef 190 Aparna Gangopadhyay, Partha Nath, Jaydip Biswas. Ajiki, M. CrossRef 56 Tomoaki Yoh, Etsuro Hatano, Takahiro Nishio, Satoru Seo, Kojiro Taura, Kentaro Yasuchika, Hideaki Okajima, Toshimi Kaido, Shinji Uemoto. (2016) Unresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Systemic plus hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy is associated with longer survival in comparison with systemic chemotherapy alone. A total of 354 patients would be required to reach 315 events, based on the use of the log-rank test with a two-sided significance level of 5% and assuming that the trial would recruit for 3 years with at least 6 months of follow-up for each patient. Liu, Lakshmi Rajdev. Gouma, T. CrossRef 90 Joyce M Leo, Steve E Kalloger, Renata D Peixoto, Nadia S Gale, Douglas L Webber, David A Owen, Daniel Renouf, David F Schaeffer. CrossRef 76 Dai Mohri, Hideaki Ijichi, Koji Miyabayashi, Ryota Takahashi, Yotaro Kudo, Takashi Sasaki, Yoshinari Asaoka, Yasuo Tanaka, Tsuneo Ikenoue, Keisuke Tateishi, Minoru Tada, Hiroyuki Isayama, Kazuhiko Koike. 8%), including 10 noncancer deaths and 37 deaths for which the cause was unknown. (2016) Resin-based Yttrium-90 microspheres for unresectable and failed first-line chemotherapy intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: preliminary results. (2015) Role of the fibroblast growth factor receptor axis in cholangiocarcinoma. CrossRef 24 Sushma Agrawal. Mosconi, E. (2016) Randomized Phase III study of gemcitabine plus S-1 versus gemcitabine plus cisplatin in advanced biliary tract cancer: Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study (JCOG1113, FUGA-BT). Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 142, 969-980. Sasaki. Aprile, A. Herman, Timothy M. 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